How to start using Git? Basic commands

Welcome to the world of Git! If you are new to version control or have been using other systems, such as SVN, it’s time to dive into Git and explore its powerful features. Git has become the de facto standard for source code management due to its speed, flexibility, and distributed nature. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of Git, starting from installing Git on your machine to understanding and using some of the essential commands. Whether you’re a developer, a student, or a hobbyist, learning Git will greatly enhance your productivity and collaboration with others. So, let’s get started on this exciting journey of mastering Git!

What are the 5 basic commands with git?

The 5 basic commands with git are:

1. git init: This command initializes a new Git repository. It creates a new directory with a .git subdirectory, which is where Git stores all the necessary files and metadata for version control.

2. git add: This command adds files to the staging area, preparing them to be committed. It allows you to select specific files or use wildcards to add multiple files simultaneously.

3. git commit: This command creates a new commit, which is a snapshot of the current state of the repository. It takes all the changes from the staging area and permanently saves them in the Git history with a unique commit identifier.

4. git push: This command is used to upload local repository changes to a remote repository. It sends the committed changes to the remote server, making them available to others who have access to the repository.

5. git pull: This command is used to fetch and merge changes from a remote repository into the local repository. It combines the git fetch and git merge commands, retrieving the latest changes and automatically merging them with the local branch.

How do I use git for the first time?

Using Git for the first time can feel overwhelming, but with a basic understanding of the key concepts, it becomes relatively straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Git for the first time:

1. Install Git: Start by downloading and installing Git on your computer. Git is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can find the installation files on the official Git website.

2. Configure Git: After installation, open the terminal or command prompt and set up your Git username and email using the following commands:
git config –global “Your Name”
git config –global “”
This information is essential as Git uses it to track your changes and associate them with your identity.

3. Create a New Repository: Navigate to the directory where you want to create your new Git repository. Then, run the command `git init` to initialize a new repository. This creates an empty Git repository in the current directory.

4. Add Files: Place the files you want to track and version control into the repository directory. To add these files to the staging area, use the command `git add ` or `git add .` to add all files in the current directory.

5. Commit Changes: Once you’ve added your files, it’s time to commit the changes. A commit creates a snapshot of your files at that specific point in time. To commit, run the command `git commit -m “Commit message”` where the commit message briefly describes the changes you made.

6. Create a Remote Repository: If you want to collaborate with others or have a backup of your code, you can create a remote repository on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Follow the instructions on the respective platform to create a new repository.

7. Link Local and Remote Repositories: After creating the remote repository, link it to your local repository using the command `git remote add origin `. Replace `` with the URL of your remote repository.

8. Push Changes: To push your local repository to the remote repository, use the command `git push -u origin master`. This uploads your committed changes to the remote repository, specifically to the branch named “master.”

Congratulations! You have now successfully used Git for the first time. From this point onwards, you can continue making changes, committing them, and pushing them to the remote repository whenever needed. Remember to regularly pull changes from the remote repository using `git pull` to keep your local repository up-to-date with any changes made by collaborators.

How do you write commands in git?

To write commands in git, you need to have git installed on your system and have a command-line interface (CLI) such as Git Bash, Terminal, or Command Prompt.

Here are some key points about writing commands in git:

1. Git Initialization: To start using git in a repository, you need to initialize it using the command `git init` in the desired directory. This creates a new repository or reinitializes an existing one.

2. Git Configuration: Before using git, you should configure your name and email address using the commands `git config –global “Your Name”` and `git config –global “”`. These details are used to identify commits.

3. Cloning a Repository: To create a local copy of a remote repository, you can use the `git clone` command followed by the repository’s URL. For example, `git clone` creates a copy of the repository named “repo” in the current directory.

4. Git Workflow: The typical git workflow involves three stages: working directory, staging area, and repository. You write commands to move between these stages, make changes, and commit them.

5. Checking Status: To see the status of your repository, including modified files, untracked files, and the current branch, you can use `git status`.

6. Adding and Committing Changes: Changes to be committed are added to the staging area using `git add` followed by the file name or `git add .` to add all changes. To commit the changes, you use `git commit -m “Commit message”`.

7. Branching and Merging: Git allows you to create branches to work on separate features or experiments. You can create a new branch using `git branch branch_name` and switch to it with `git checkout branch_name`. Merging branches is done with `git merge` command.

8. Pushing and Pulling: To share your committed changes with a remote repository, you can use `git push origin branch_name` to push the branch or `git push origin –all` to push all branches. To fetch and merge the changes from a remote repository, you can use `git pull origin branch_name` or `git pull origin –all`.

9. Reverting and Undoing: If you want to revert changes made in a commit, you can use `git revert commit_id`. If you want to undo local changes that have not been committed, you can use `git checkout — file_name`.

These are just a few basic commands in git. Git is a powerful version control system with many more functionalities and commands to explore. You can refer to the official Git documentation or various online tutorials for more detailed information.

How do I start GitHub from command line?

To start using GitHub from the command line, you need to follow a few steps:

1. Install Git: Firstly, ensure that you have Git installed on your computer. Git is a version control system that GitHub is built upon. You can download and install Git from the official website ( based on your operating system.

2. Set up your GitHub account: If you haven’t already, go to the GitHub website ( and create an account. Once you have your account set up, you can create repositories to store your projects.

3. Generate SSH keys: To securely connect and authenticate with GitHub, it is recommended to generate SSH keys. Open the command line interface (e.g., Terminal on macOS or Git Bash on Windows) and run the following command to generate a new SSH key: `ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C “”`. Replace “” with the email associated with your GitHub account.

4. Add SSH key to your GitHub account: After generating the SSH key, you need to add it to your GitHub account. Run the following command to copy the SSH key to your clipboard: `pbcopy < ~/.ssh/`. If you’re not on macOS, manually open the `` file and copy its contents. Then, go to your GitHub account settings, navigate to “SSH and GPG keys,” click “New SSH key,” and paste the key into the designated field.

5. Test the SSH connection: To ensure that the SSH connection is working properly, run the following command: `ssh -T`. You should see a message confirming your successful authentication.

6. Initialize a local Git repository: Open the command line interface and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project. Use the `cd` command to change directories. Once inside the desired directory, run the command `git init` to initialize a local Git repository.

7. Link the local repository to your GitHub repository: On your GitHub account, create a new repository with the same name as your local repository. Then, copy the repository’s SSH URL. In the command line, run the command `git remote add origin `, replacing `` with the SSH URL you copied.

8. Add and commit files: Now, you can start adding files to your local repository. Use the command `git add ` to add a specific file or `git add .` to add all files in the current directory. Then, commit the changes using `git commit -m “Your commit message”`.

9. Push changes to GitHub: To upload your changes to your GitHub repository, use the command `git push origin `. By default, the main branch is usually named “master,” so you can replace `` with “master.”

These steps will help you start using GitHub from the command line. Remember to consult Git and GitHub documentation for more advanced usage and additional commands.

GitHub commands list

GitHub commands list refers to a collection of commands that can be used with Git, a distributed version control system, in conjunction with GitHub, a web-based hosting service for Git repositories. These commands enable developers to interact with Git repositories hosted on GitHub, managing code versions, collaborating with others, and deploying projects.

Some commonly used GitHub commands include:

1. `git clone`: This command allows users to create a local copy of a remote repository on their computer.

2. `git add`: This command is used to stage changes made to files in the local repository, preparing them for a commit.

3. `git commit`: This command records the changes made to the repository, creating a new commit with a unique identifier.

4. `git push`: This command uploads the local commits to the remote repository on GitHub, updating it with the latest changes.

5. `git pull`: This command fetches and incorporates changes from a remote repository into the local repository.

6. `git branch`: This command displays the available branches in the repository and allows users to create, delete, or switch between branches.

7. `git merge`: This command combines changes from one branch into another, integrating the changes into the target branch.

8. `git fetch`: This command downloads new commits and branches from a remote repository without merging them into the local repository.

9. `git status`: This command displays the current status of the local repository, showing modified, added, or deleted files.

10. `git log`: This command lists the commit history, displaying information such as commit messages, timestamps, and authors.

These are just a few examples of the many commands available in Git and GitHub. Mastering these commands empowers developers to efficiently manage their codebase and collaborate with others effectively.

In conclusion, understanding the basics of Git and its commands is essential for anyone looking to start using this powerful version control system. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently begin your journey with Git.

Starting with the installation process, make sure to choose the appropriate version for your operating system and follow the instructions carefully. Once installed, initialize a new Git repository in your desired directory using the `git init` command. This creates a new repository and sets up the necessary files to track changes.

Next, familiarize yourself with the essential commands. The `git add` command is used to stage changes, allowing you to select which files you want to include in your next commit. After adding the desired files, use the `git commit` command to create a new commit, saving the changes you have made. Remember to provide a clear and concise commit message to describe the changes effectively.

To keep track of the changes made by others, you can use the `git clone` command to create a local copy of a remote repository. This allows you to collaborate with others by pulling their changes using the `git pull` command and pushing your changes using the `git push` command.

Additionally, it is crucial to understand the concept of branches in Git. The `git branch` command lists all available branches, while `git checkout` allows you to switch between branches. Creating a new branch with `git branch ` followed by `git checkout ` enables you to work on separate features or experiment without affecting the main branch.

Finally, it is recommended to regularly update your repository with the latest changes from the remote repository using the `git fetch` command, followed by `git merge` to integrate those changes into your local branch.

With these basic commands and concepts at your disposal, you are well-equipped to start using Git effectively. Remember that practice makes perfect, so continue exploring and experimenting with Git to fully harness its capabilities.

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